Cast-iron сasting plant
Cast-İron Casting Plant is one of the major manufacturers of products used for irrigation, drinking and wastewater supply, having the necessary design, production, and technical inspection and installation services. Sliding valves, drossel valves, wells, fire hydrants and other similar products are manufactured here.
Cast-İron Casting Plant is equipped with modern production and casting equipment. Plant located in Sumgait Chemical Industrial Park (SCIP) covers an outdoor area of 8000 m2 and indoor area of 13000 m2. The production process is carried out in the following sequence:
- Designing and 3D modeling
- Elements Analysis
- Mold production
- Casting
- Processing
- Painting & Assemble
- Testing
Products of different assortment are produced for drinking and wastewater lines within the standards (EN, ГOST, API, and ASME) depending on customer requirements. The painting process is carried out twofold by electrostatic powder epoxide. They are tested in advance to ensure all products are fully useful.